Van a subir los precios de las aplicaciones de USCIS
/La Abogada Lesley Irizarry-Hougan explica cómo van a subir costos para las aplicaciones frente USCIS empezando abril de 2024, y revisa las formas más comunes y la cantidad que cambia.
Read MoreThe L.I.H. Law immigration blog is a resource, examining the latest issues and trends happening around immigration and citizenship law and how it impacts you.
La Abogada Lesley Irizarry-Hougan explica cómo van a subir costos para las aplicaciones frente USCIS empezando abril de 2024, y revisa las formas más comunes y la cantidad que cambia.
Read MoreIf the application you submit to immigration is missing something critical, the entire package will be rejected by immigration returned back to you. Examples of critical missing things are: forms missing, filing fees not included or incorrect amount, package sent to the wrong address, forms missing pages, not including required initial evidence (according to the form instructions) or missing or no signatures.
Read MoreIf the application you submit to immigration is missing something critical, the entire package will be rejected by immigration returned back to you. Examples of critical missing things are: forms missing, filing fees not included or incorrect amount, package sent to the wrong address, forms missing pages, not including required initial evidence (according to the form instructions) or missing or no signatures.
Read MoreIf you have filed an immigration application and would like to check the status of your application or approximately how much time it will take, there are several tools that you can use. These tools are only estimates, and do not always reflect what is currently going on…
Read MoreIn previous blog posts, we have discussed two common waivers that are often required when applying for lawful permanent resident status (the “green card”), the I-601 and the I-601A. In this post, we discuss a third waiver, the I-212. The I-212 is used to waive a prior removal (deportation). It is also used if you have been unlawfully present in the United States for more than one year and you attempt to reenter unlawfully.
Read MorePara aquellos que son elegibles, la ciudadanía provee beneficios que los residentes permanentes legales no tienen. Por ejemplo, los ciudadanos pueden presentar peticiones de visa familiar para padres y hermanos, pueden obtener su visa familiar para su esposa (o) e hijos más rápido que los residentes, pueden votar para las leyes federales, estatales, y las elecciones locales y proveer protección adicional de remoción (deportación).
Read MoreIf your initial two-year grant of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is expiring, then you may request a renewal of your employment authorization document (EAD). In order to make sure that your EAD does not expire before the new one is approved, you should submit your renewal request about 120 days (4 months) before your current period of deferred action will expire.
Read MoreSeattle immigration lawyer, Lesley Irizarry-Hougan, and her staff handle complex immigration cases at a reasonable cost. Conveniently located in downtown Seattle, our trusted legal team is ready to address your immigration needs. Se habla español.
Our well-respected attorney exclusively practices immigration law, covering diverse topics: asylum, deferred action for childhood arrivals, green cards, and much more
L.I.H. Law practica ley de inmigración. Esta oficina de leyes se enorgullece en manejar casos complicados de inmigración con cargos razonables.
L.I.H. Law - Seattle's Trusted Immigration Lawyer
159 Denny Way, Suite 107, Seattle, WA 98109
(206) 838-7628
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The information contained on this website is intended for informational purposes only, and is not legal advice. Nothing in this website establishes an attorney-client relationship between us. Different facts can radically alter a legal opinion. You should consult an attorney for legal advice that pertains to your personal situation.
La información contenida en este sitio web tiene únicamente como propósito informar y no es un consejo legal. Nada eneste sitio web establece una relación de abogado-cliente entre nosotros. Diferentes hechos pueden alterar radicalmenteuna opinión legal. Usted debe consultar a un abogado para el asesoramiento legal apropiado para su situación personal.